Hello folks,
First, a special offer for you, my lovely Blue Room supporting subscribers. Christmas is two weeks from today—oof! Why not give a personalized gift of HOPE to that special someone on your list? I’m offering copies of Hope: A User’s Manual (personalized, signed, gift-wrapped, and shipped to the person you designate) for just $20, the best deal around. OK, A**z** is cheaper, but you don’t get it signed or wrapped that way, and doesn’t it feel good to avoid that behemoth whenever we can?
Members and friends of Trinity Presbyterian, Herndon are eligible for complimentary subscriptions–just ask.
Offer good while my stack of books holds out. Orders are due by Thursday, December 14 at midnight EST to ensure processing and delivery by Christmas (per USPS website). Sorry, I can only ship to the continental U.S.
All the details are here. Reach out at maryannmckibbendana@substack.com if you have any questions!
Next: our project of creating a mentally healthy December continues, with another practice for calming the nervous system and cooling anxious moments… literally:
Disclaimer: I have no idea why the color on these videos is washed out, nor have I figured out how to change the thumbnail, so as to get a less dorky image in preview. Until I solve that, we get what we get. Hey, it’s all about #worldsokayest around here.
Would love to hear if you’ve used any of these techniques and how they work for you
In case you missed it: here’s Taming the Anxiety, Part 1, and the post that started it all, This is Your Brain on Anxiety.
Steady on.
I’ve used the progressive muscle tensing/releasing for years. It works—-😃That’s why I use it. The ice part is new to me, so can go in my “ok-it’s-time-to-relax” bag!
I also use Amy Carmichael’s saying:
“If you want to live life free,
Take your time, go slowly,
Do a few things, but do them well.
Simply joys are holy.”
Barbara wrote what I would have written here as far as the “second P” is concerned. I start with my toes and work my way up my body, generally stopping around the stomach area, as I’m calm(er) by then. As far as the T/ice is concerned, is that the same principle as the ice bath your retired cop uncle is doing daily and feeling major benefits of the practice?