So very interesting. This is very insightful and helpful. We don’t have to have professional credentials to be kind, loving humans. The person who sits in the far back pew has the power to connect and make a soup of kindness. This pod cast feels empowering.

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So happy to hear this!

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You asked if your readers have any ideas for the Bowling Alone Syndrome. I don't, but I do. It seems to me that both you and Ed are trained ministers of the Gospel/Word of God. You are not trained psychologists or social workers. At best, you are sources for those people. When was the last time you had a discussion or gave a sermon about group prayer other than Sunday morning service? I intellectually understand Putnam's triad: Human Contact (go Youth)-Go Local-Go Morality. It's a scientific, neat formula. We human beings like that sort of thing, but it doesn't demand what seems to be the hardest thing for us to do as Christians - Pray Together. I was one of the very lucky people who followed Fr. Richard Rohr, founder of The Center for Action and Contemplation in New Mexico, back in the 1970's down the road of Charismatic Renewal of the Church. I was a Catholic at the time, but the Holy Spirit through Fr. Rohr was at work in all the churches. If we believe there is a re-awakening at hand, then you and Ed and your fellow ministers are well prepared to lead us toward the Holy Spirit through prayer, but do you have the faith to gently sit with a beginning group of brave people who believe in the power of prayer? I do, but I don't have the credentials to draw people and I don't think that's a job the Holy Spirit wants to give me. I will follow Ed if he takes the lead. I believe we can draw YOUNG PEOPLE back to LOCAL mainline churches through the most MORAL method we have at our disposal - PRAYER. Let's ask the Holy Spirit to help us BUILD BRIDGES. Amen.

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Thanks Donna!

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Hmm, I don’t recall Jesus seeking out credentialed individuals to be disciples… in fact, as I recall it was the opposite. God does not call the equipped, God equips the called. I say this because one of the most frustrating experiences in ministry is having well meaning parishioners come to me as a pastor and say ‘I have this idea for X and I really believe it will do Y for our church’ (or community) Then these folks expect ME to add that thing to my already overflowing list of things to do. It isn’t my calling- it’s yours. I can connect and support, but if the Spirit is supplying YOU with ideas and YOU feel strongly enough to share and articulate them- then recognize the Spirit’s work in you and take ownership. We all need to become active and involved disciples now. Let’s not let something like lack of credentials impede the work of the Spirit!

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I'm on really good terms with my pastor. Since I wrote this, he and I have met and discussed how important Prayer is right now. With his guidance, I am beginning something very informal on Thursday evenings in the sanctuary. I would never start something that has anything to do with prayer or worship at church without his full buy in. If you knew me, you'd know that I'm full of ideas but I'm not equipped as a 78 year old semi-invalid to carry them out. I have great ideas, too. I'm really a smart person. I have 12 years of college but it doesn't make any difference when you're my age. Why not send over some Presbyterians to pray with some UCC's on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm? I don't bite.

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