Thank you so much for sharing your story, MaryAnn! I really appreciate your wisdom and insights. I also appreciate your accompanying all of us as we enter the strange world that is 2025 in the US and world.

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We're gonna get through this together!

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To be a classmate and colleague for 25 years and watch your timeline fill in, to read your books and musings, has been a delight.

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Backatcha friend!

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How do I say I’m more than a super fan? Offered in only the most positive way, I’m your #1 Super Fanatic because I know what you write is powerful and true and from experience and from your heart. ❤️…the same heart which your father and I heard emanating from you with the help of a natal heart monitor long before you were born.

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Sitting in a wooded area of our Ft Worth property reading this … we met when you spoke in Bay View, Mi but for some reason we never spoke about where we were from… your “through the years” was beautiful and makes me know why I felt we had a bond when I met you…I was born near Conroe and have lived in Fort Worth for many years. Your words are soothing and special and as a writer myself I certainly feel a connection. Blessings this day Maryann and forward❤️

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Thank you Laura!!

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Very brave to share all this! Very interesting when lives seem to intersect, but remaining parallel.

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Thank you for reading!

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Love all of it! 🩷 I'm a native Houstonian now based most of the time in NorCal where my twin grandsons live!

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My mom just moved back to Houston where her youngest grandkids are! Riding that fun wave one more time. Enjoy.

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Very interesting life story…. I was so impressed with you when you came to Delaware several years ago. You have been so supportive of your kids through their difficulties. Kudos to you!

Ps. We have yarn balls in our garage to lead us to the correct stopping point!

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Thanks Linda! We all have rich stories to share!

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I loved reading your "auto-biography". I've done a similar one, only 25 years longer. I'll repost it some time. You always make me feel like I can keep on keeping on...

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Would love to read.

We keep on keeping on together...

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Loved your memoir in brief! LOL moment: I have a tennis ball suspended from my garage ceiling because my car, small by current standards, needs to be parked about six inches of the front wall to allow the garage door to close. I'm looking forward to the company in 2025.

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Such an elegant, low-tech solution!

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Thank you so much, MaryAnn. What a delight to read these snapshots of your life. Really lovely.

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Thanks for reading!

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Thank you for your honesty and for sharing a not-always-so-fun story. You are empowering and I am grateful for you.

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Thank you PJ! Grateful for you too!

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Thank you for sharing your story. Everyone has a story to tell and not everyone is willing to share, yet we have so much to learn from others. Here's to all different kinds of love!

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Hear hear! ❤️

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Lovely, snd succinct! We should all try that this very month! Thank you!

Happy New Year!

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It really was a great exercise!

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Thanks very much for sharing. Now we should share a cup of tea.

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Now that sounds heavenly!

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It’s been a while since I’ve read your blog, but what a treat to come back to! Thank you for sharing your beautiful story.

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Thank you Esther! It's a really neat exercise to do, actually. And welcome back!

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