Love this so much...

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As grandmama “Sassy” to a very earnest two-year old boy, I can definitely say that little fellow knew what you needed. My guy offers little gems at unexpected times - so did yours. Things to ponder and treasure.

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Sassy is a wonderful honorific! Ponder and treasure indeed, just like Mary.

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The unpredictability of a toddler being baptized has enlivened many a worship service

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Well said!! The whole congregation melted. It was the most darling thing.

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I haven’t read your post on Chat/AI yet, but I want to report that in April the bot did an okay job turning my Christian Outreach Committee meeting notes into complete sentences, cutting the time I spent crafting minutes by about two-thirds. I inserted a bot disclaimer at the end. No one responded. So. Okay enough for committee work!

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I just used it to generate an early draft of something, and it was quite helpful. What a leg up.

Committee notes would be a perfect use for it! Nice.

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