Hello friends, and happy Friday!
I’m getting ready for a quick jaunt down to Durham this weekend for a sermon and workshop (more on that below), followed by a week of vacation. We’ll be at the family cottage in Maine, swimming and jigsaw puzzling and dodging the mosquitoes which are apparently ferocious this year. Very grateful to our house sitter, who will hold down the fort and keep our cats and crops (mainly carrots and tomatoes) alive and well.
I’m a big intentions person, and I especially like them while on vacation—figuring out what I need (stimulating fun? agendaless relaxation?) and turning myself in that direction. I’ve also been doing the Whole Life Challenge with some friends this summer, which is a gamified self-care program with seven components: sleeping a set number of hours each night, drinking X ounces of water, exercising at least ten minutes a day, working on flexibility and mobility (i.e. stretching, which is counted separately from exercise), completing reflection/well-being practices such as gratitude, and so forth.
I signed up for the challenge in order to connect with these beloved friends in the spirit of fun and accountability, but I’ve really enjoyed the challenge itself. (Full disclosure: there’s also a nutrition piece, which I have complicated feelings about, especially anything that smacks of “good” and “bad” foods, a binary I reject. I’m more inclined toward moderation than restriction. But even the nutrition piece has been kinda refreshing and instructive—and I’ve also adapted the guidelines to work for me.)
Anyway, the Whole Life Challenge got me thinking, what kind of “challenge” would I design for my vacation? Here are the seven components I came up with that bring me joy to imagine checking off each day.
Laugh every day.
Read anything you want; abandon any book without guilt.
Spend at least 30 minutes out in nature.
Check in with yourself at the beginning and end of the day.
Connect one on one with each family member for at least a few minutes each day.
Prioritize analog over digital experiences.
Nap as necessary.
Have you ever done a Whole Life Challenge or similar wellness program? What did you like about it, and what would you change about it?
Do you set vacation intentions? Which ones have been meaningful?
See you on the other side!
Photos are my kiddos in Maine, at much younger ages
What I’m Up To
As mentioned above, I’m preaching at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Durham NC this Sunday August 6 at 10 a.m. Eastern, in person and on livestream. Following worship I’ll be leading a writing workshop in which we’ll have some fun creating together. Come if you’re in the area!
Since I’ll be away next week, I’ve removed the paywall on this week’s Celtic Curriculum, to tide you over until I’m back in the Blue Room.
Presbyterians: I’m leading a pastors’ renewal retreat in October at Zephyr Point Conference Center on Lake Tahoe. It’s sponsored by North Central California Presbytery, but others are welcome!
Link Love
My friend Becca shared these beautiful words by Elizabeth Beauvais:
For whoever needs to hear this:
Last night
at exactly midnight
The Elders met under the great Hemlock
in their dark cloaks
and issued a
proclamation that you’re Terrific.
At the same time
your love
(here or memory)
rolled over under the quilt
And put a finger against that familiar crease
between your eyes
and murmured “it’s okay”
before falling back asleep
A few minutes later,
your Board of Advisors
held a Teams call
across 8 time zones
and decided there is nothing more you need to do
to earn their confidence, support, and enthusiasm
Meanwhile your parents
—in whatever plane they inhabit—
pressed their palms together and
said in unison that you are a total
joy and blessing
(Even when a pain in the ass)
And all the children in your life
whispered “thank you”
in their sleep
At half past midnight
the UN Secretary General
licked the tip of her pen (unnecessarily)
and wrote that you’ve officially completed all that anyone has ever expected of you.
Then stamped it
And it was thereby determined
that if you slept in a little today
Or have spent a little too long this week
watching old Sinead O’Connor and Paul Reubens videos,
Nothing terribly bad would happen
So if you woke up this morning
and noticed
Maybe you weren’t wearing your shoulders as earrings —
This is why
(We voted to tell you)
I love your vacation intentions! I may “borrow” from them for our week in Chautauqua! Have a wonderful time with your family!