We just finished our second synchronous gathering of The Art of Onward, where we took up the practice of courage. The recording is available below, along with a few additional links.
Grateful for the thoughts of fellow writer Karen Wesley of I Write Hard Things. I really love the way she thinks about courage, connecting it with truth-telling, caregiving, and compassion.
If you’d like to access the recording but are unable to pay, let me know. Or if you’re a subscriber of Karen’s work, please get in touch and I’ll share the link. Members and friends of Trinity Presbyterian, Herndon are eligible for complimentary gift subscriptions; just ask.
Oh and hey! Maybe you’d like to do the Art of Onward with a friend for support and accountability. If one of you subscribes, I’ll comp the second one.
Before I get to the recording, I want to share three items on courage that have been haunting me in the last day or so. All of them connect with the conversation I had with Karen; though the connections may not be obvious on the surface, I think the kind of courage we talked about is what makes the following scenarios possible:
The first is a video about a Ukrainian woman named Kalypso who’s part of a woman-only defensive force called the Witches of Bucha. Today is the third anniversary of Ukraine’s fight for survival and sovereignty—a fight we all have a stake in, because if the Russian tyrant prevails, other democracies are directly threatened.
The second is a seven-minute pep talk from Tim Miller and Sarah Longwell of the Bulwark on the power of courage, and what I take from it is while there are people who are under legitimate threat right now, fear is also a choice.
The third. If you haven’t read about the woman who was forcibly removed from a town hall in Idaho by security forces, without badges who did not identify themselves, please read up on that event. And here’s what Jess Piper has to say about that.
Steady on, friends.