Happy Friday, Blue Roomies!
It’s been a week… my mate and my youngest are away visiting family, my colleague is on a well-deserved vacation, the transition from school year to summer always brings some chaos, and as I write this on Thursday, we’re monitoring our middle-aged boy cat to see if he needs emergency vet care. (Pray and hope for pees and poops, please.)
And yet, Paula D’Arcy’s words remain top of mind, that God comes to us disguised as our lives. All I need to do is look at the last few photos on my phone to see that beauty is all around, even with everything going on. A sampling:
It’s Pride!
A member of the church sent this snap along. You are welcome at this table… and God is crazy about you. Don’t let anyone tell you different:
A kid and a partner at the festival:
My eldest home from college is making the most of the few weeks before the summer job starts. Yowza:
Life as a Work of Art
More scrumptious artwork from the eldest:
A portrait of me at the pulpit, drawn by the sweetest 6 year old attending church with her grandparents:
And June 10 would have been Maurice Sendak’s 96th birthday:
The Bounty of the Earth
Stuff is growing in my garden! I’m in awe.
Your Turn
Try it yourself. Do a little visio divina on your camera roll. What graces do you see?
Steady on.
What I’m Up To
I’m preaching this Sunday 6/16 at 10:15 EDT at Trinity Presbyterian, Herndon, in person or via livestream.
Any Ohioans out there? I’ll be speaking at the Lakeside Chautauqua the week of July 14, doing a little hopemongering.
Link Love
My friend Keith Snyder has a Kickstarter brewing for what looks to be a delightful children’s picture book about bicycles. Give his video a look. I remember when those twin boys in the video were born!
What a wonderful practice. Loved the pictures and the cakes are amazing! Thank you for this visio divina, MaryAnn.
What wonderful cakes! And what wonderful visio divina offering. On our walk this morning we saw cardinals, bluebirds, crepe myrtle and magnolia blooms, and two little kids who were so excited to be taking a turtle they found in their yard back to the riverbank. Opportunities for wonder all around us this morning!